[ st5kDesigns

Aegis Business Banking App

Interactive Sales Application

The Challenge ______

Our Client needed a robust, interactive, sales tool for their bankers to engage with prospective clients, and show the innovation of their bank. They also wanted flexibility so each unique situation could be addressed on an ongoing process.

  • category

    client concept

  • my role

    art direction, UX, UI

  • tools used

User Experience


The Bankers. This tool is targeted towards the bankers, who make pitches to the clients. Currently they use Powerpoint Decks they personally put together.


Commercial Banking Leadership. They want to have a little control on the sales decks to protect the integrity of the Brand Standards.

The Approach ______

The Powerpoint document contained a lot of slides. The first task was to organize and categorize the information, in order to make it easy to novigate and piece together for presentations. It also helped us determine what was important from a top-down view.

We determined there was going to be two sides to their approach. Why chose us? and How can we help you achieve your business goals.

The Process ______

Once the information hierarchy was established, we were able to start on the user journey while wireframing the basic structure of the screens. This application was going to live on a tablet so that it was easily transported to sales calls. The tool was to assist the Banker while they walked through their presentation.

Screens with easily digestible information were important so as not to be distracting from the budding relationship between the banker and their business client.

Takeaways ______

This project involved many stakeholders with many opinions as to how it should function. The client(s) could not seem to get them all on the same page and many sessions were mostly each side stating their case as to how it should flow.

We presented a robust plan with execution in the hopes that if they could see it function, some common ground could be met.