[ st5kDesigns

NorthStar Golf Club

Identity / Collateral / Website

The Challenge ______

NorthStar Golf club is semi-private club that was established in 2005. Their identity has not changed or been updated since the inception. My family joined this past Spring and plan on remaining members as we like the community and family friendly atmosphere the emphasize.

Upon joining I realized their whole visual identity could use an update and did not represent the club very accurately. So I started digging in, and combing through all the collateral and gathering the data to do a complete overhaul. I focused on the logo first.

  • category

    client work

  • role

    art direction, UX / UI

  • tools used

The Approach ______

The N and Star was a good trademark to work off of, and with some tweaking here and there it could bring some elegance and professionalism I thought was lacking. Their facilities were top-notch and the golf course was challenging and in top shape.

New modern type treatments with more updated color scheme could help them show where they've been while moving them into the future.

The Takeaway ______

These updates have gotten the staff excited about the potential to appeal and grow their membership and help them grow all their revenue streams. The interest was high to continue with a aesthetic facelift. Touching their collateral, and website and create a unified marketing strategy.

Stay Tuned.