[ st5kDesigns

My Home Landscape

UX / Design / Construction

The Opportunity ______

UX for a landscape project? Ah yaaa. Why not? We use it and it's an experience. In fact there are multiple user experiences happening. Ever since we bought our house 18 months ago I've been chomping at the bit to re-vamp the landscape.

Landscape is something I like to do for fun. I thought I'd apply some UX principles when concocting a new landscaping plan. The previous owners were masters of interior renovations, but you could tell the outside was neglected. It wasn't in total disarray, but it wasn't paid attention to in some time. Which is perfect for me, it's more or less a blank canvas. I couldn't wait to get to work.

  • category

    Personal Project

  • role

    UX, design, build

  • tools used

User Experience


Myself. I was limited on time for maintaining, so I needed plants that were low-maintenance. The front of our house faces directly South. So in the summer it got baked


My wife.  I wanted her to feel proud of how the entrance to our home looked. We didn't want to be the house with a jungle in the front.

The Challenge ______

I am not the only person that lives here, so I cannot just do whatever I want with no regard to others who live with me. Either way, I was excited to make it work for everybody.

The first thing we will tackle is the Entrance.

First Thing > Demo ______

The entrance was overgrown and sparce. Two Rose bushes had gotten out of control and blocked the view of and from the porch. Plus they attracted a lot of bees and I have some family members who are allergic

The forward plantings had no rhyme or reason and daylilies are boring...so we would pull the roses and the daylilies and whatever the heck that twiggy looking plant was on the right flank.

The Plan ______

The plan was to bring in a consistent color theme for the foundational plantings and also be able to keep them in order to maximize the use of our porch and minimize time maintaining it all.